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euphoria resort 5*Kolymbari

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Condițiile ofertei
Prețul final include
Bilet de avion cursă charter, 1 bagaj la cală de maximum 20 kg și 1 bagaj la mână de maxim 7k / persoană (excepție infanți)
Taxe de aeroport
Transfer aeroport-hotel-aeroport
Cazare și masă în funcție de hotelul ales
Asistență turistică
Prețul final nu include
Taxă hotelieră - se achită la recepție de către client
Taxele de intrare la obiectivele turistice
Alte taxe și cheltuieli persoanel
Programe opționale
Opțional asigurare storno și medicală
Asistență turistică este asigurată de reprezentanții din destinație și include preluarea, însoțirea și conducerea turiștilor de la punctul de sosire spre locul de cazare sau spre vizitarea unui obiectiv turistic, precum și suport la destinație, pe durata sejurului, fiindc în legătură directă cu organizatorul.

Descoperă Grecia: o evadare mitică în leagănul civilizației!

Ești pasionat de istorie, mitologie și cultură? Grecia te așteaptă cu brațele deschise! Descoperă leagănul civilizației occidentale, unde te poți plimba pe urmele lui Zeus și Alexandru Macedon, te poți relaxa pe plaje paradisiace și te poți bucura de o gastronomie delicioasă.

Călătorie în timp: Vizitează Acropola din Atena, Partenonul și templul lui Erechtheion, monumente emblematice ale antichității. Explorează ruinele fascinante din Delphi, Olympia sau Micene, centre ale culturii și religiei grecești antice.

Plaje de vis: Bucură-te de plajele cu ape turcoaz și nisip fin din Santorini, Mykonos, Creta sau Corfu. Relaxează-te la soare, practică sporturi nautice sau explorează insulele pitorești cu o croazieră.

Gastronomie mediteraneană: Delectează-te cu preparatele delicioase ale bucătăriei grecești, o explozie de arome și prospețime. Savurează moussaka aromată, souvlaki suculente, salată grecească proaspătă și dulciuri tradiționale precum baklava.

Experiențe unice: Participă la un festival tradițional de muzică și dans, degustă vinuri locale în crame pitorești sau fă o plimbare cu barca pe Marea Egee pentru a admira peisaje spectaculoase.

Pachete turistice personalizate: Profită de ofertele noastre speciale și rezervă-ți vacanța de vis în Grecia! Zboruri directe, cazare în hoteluri de 4 și 5 stele, transferuri și asistență turistică inclusă. Alege dintre diverse programe personalizate pentru a se potrivi nevoilor tale și intereselor tale.

Nu rata șansa de a descoperi Grecia! O vacanță în această țară minunată te va face să te simți ca un zeu antic, într-o călătorie de neuitat!

General description:

Olive oil, herbs, fruits and vegetables are the baseline of local ingredients used in the food concept of Euphoria Resort. By introducing local cuisine, we support local producers and local workforce, always with respect to the environment and sustainability. Along with the local food concept, special menus are introduced, devised by certified nutritionists. These balanced menus, rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, provide energy and improve metabolism.

Absolute tranquility and relaxation in a verdant landscape of sophisticated roomsand Junior or Family Suites with Sharing Pools, is the setting that transforms everymoment into an unforgettable experience.

At the Resort

For those who work out by doing what they love and enjoy, we designed two tennis courts18×36 each and a mini soccer 13×23. Tennis lessons weekly with experienced instructor. Equipment and court reservations available with no additional charge. The Greek way of well being balances mind and body. This is what we want to achieve with Yoga, an ancienter based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind and spirit. Also with Pilates, a refreshing mind-body workout, which emphasizes on breathing and proper body alignment to achieve a great level of tranquility.

Activities: Tennis•Football•Pétanque•Table Tennis•Spike Ball•Family Fun•Dance Fit•Yoga•Pilates•Run & Stretching•Greek Traditional DancePrivate tennis lessons are available upon reservation at the Sports Hub (extra charge).

In Nature

Outdoor Cycling is a unique bicycle experience, which allows you to explore the Cretan land and at the same time to stay active. Hiking is the most ideal activity to get familiar with the Cretan nature and the Resort's stunning surroundings.

In the Pool

The moments spent in the pool are the most enjoyable in everyone"s day. A specially designed workout for the water, which challenges our body and boosts your energy.

On the Beach

Tone your body using the resistance of the sand and soothe your mind with the view of the horizon. Benefit from the blessings given to us by nature and enjoy an ultimate fitness experience.

At the Gym

Gym is like home for those who love to be fit and healthy. In Euphoria we want you to feel like home, this is why you can find workouts that challenge your body and equipment for weight lifting in our gym.

Relax, Refresh, Recharge

The Resort offers lockers to all our guests, with bathrobes, towels and slippers. Harmonia Spa, a unique spa experience on two levels with an indoor heated pool, invites you to unwind with a range of detox treatments, relaxing massages and facial treatments, through specially designed beauty and wellness therapies.

Indoor heated pool is available to all guests from 16 years old and above, whereas wet area (Jacuzzi – Sauna – Steam Room – Ice Fountain) from 18 years old and above.

Kids World

In Euphoria Resort we acknowledge how honoring it is to trust your children amusement to us, this is why we created an ideal scenery for them. Our kids club is separated in 3 age groups with different activities in different areas.

Children are amused in a creative way with the supervision of experienced teachers,so that parents can share time together, enjoying private moments of relaxation andwellbeing.

Age: 4-12 years old, Opening days: 6 days a week, Operating Hours: 10:00-18:00

Evening activities include Mini Disco, Movie Time, Evening Soccer, e.t.c.

Teenagers are entertained by the supervision of experienced staff, having fun outdoors and enjoying a variety of activities.

Age: 13 years old and above, Opening Days: 6 days a week (mid June - mid September), Operating Hours: 11:00-13:00 - 15:00-18:00

In a specially designed area, parents can spend quality time with their children in a safe and at the same time creative environment. Family Vibe is a space for parental supervision only. 

Teenagers are entertained by the supervision of experienced staff, having fun outdoors and enjoying a variety of activities.

Age: 13 years old and above, Opening Days: 6 days a week (mid June - mid September), Operating Hours: 11:00-13:00 - 15:00-18:00, Age: up to 4 years old, parental supervision only, Opening days: 6 days a week, Operating Hours: 10:00-18:00Babysitting services are available upon request with an extra charge

Water Land

In our water park and its swimming pools, our young guests will find exciting games to exhaust their energy, make new friends, laugh and enjoy their vacation. Top-of-the-range water slides (4 fast slides), fulfilling all safety measures and a swimming pool with an amazing aqua tower, compose the most fascinating scenery for kids and adults, to experience fantastic adventures. The water park is supervised by trained personnel at all times.

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